Friday, August 21, 2009

'Mere Formality?' By Adesina Ogunlana

ACT 1 SCENE 1 JUDICIAL SERVICE COMMISSION (A.K.A JSC) (looking so officious and earnest:
The bar can we please have your opinions about these people we want to appoint as judges? Here is the shortlist of them.

BAR: (feeling so important and elated while receiving the shortlist) “Oh sure, sure; with all pleasure.

(still feeling very important and elated and handing over a fat envelope of documents to the JSCchairman)
“Your lordship, thank you for the opportunity you afforded us to assess candidates seeking appointment to the bench. We have carefully scrutinized them and their records and have put our findings and comments in writing. They are all in the envelope. We hope your commission will find it useful in their work.

JSC: Oh sure. We appreciate your efforts and can assure that not only shall we read everything here but also give your comments close attention.
Once again thank you.

(all alone, the Bar having since left). The chairman opens the envelope and starts reading the comments of the bar. After two minutes, hisses and shouts: “Office Boy! Office Boy!”

OFFICE BOY: (Appearing very quickly) “Yes sir! Here am I sir!”

JSC: (handing over documents to the office boy) Please go and throw all these papers into the dustbin.

OFFICE BOY: Dustbin? Sir I thought the Bar just gave you these papers.

JSC: (standing up in anger and shouting) Shut up your mouth and do as you are told. Nonsense! What’s your business with it? Who needs your comment?

OFFICE BOY: As the court pleases!

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